T&C what travel documents are accepted by Ryanair?

When flying every passenger needs to carry a travel document that meets the requirements of Ryanair, immigration and other authorities.


A valid passport is accepted in most cases. For a list of country specific travel documents and regulations please click here.

What is Ryanair’s boarding procedure?

We recommend that customers arrive at the boarding gate in good time. The boarding gate opens 30 minutes before the scheduled flight departure time.

Customers who have purchased Priority Boarding are permitted to board first.

There is space for up to 90 cabin bags to carried in the cabin of the aircraft. Once these cabin bag spaces are filled the remaining cabin baggage will be placed into the aircraft hold free of charge.

The boarding gate closes strictly 20 minutes before the scheduled flight departure time. Passengers who arrive late will not be permitted to board the plane.

What are the airport bag drop deadlines?

Don’t worry, once you’ve checked-in online your boarding pass can be reprinted up to 2 hours before the scheduled flight departure time.

Click here to reprint your boarding pass

If you arrive at the airport without your printed online boarding pass, we can print one for you, but you will be required to pay a Boarding Card Reissue Fee. (Flexi Plus customers can check-in free of charge at the airport). This facility is available up to 40 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure. Click here for fee information

What are the airport bag drop deadlines?

We recommend that you check-in baggage as early as possible, the Bag Drop desks open two hours prior to the scheduled flight departure time.

The Bag Drop desks close strictly 40 minutes before the scheduled time of departure. If you miss this deadline your booking could be cancelled without refund and you could be prevented from boarding the plane

How do I check-in?

Ryanair App

Using the Ryanair app to check-in is easy but if you are having difficulty, click here for our step by step guide.

Ryanair Website

Checking in online is simple and can be done anywhere. Click here to follow our step by step guide or watch our video below.